Author: kweevuss

  • Networking VMs with Proxmox SDN Features

    In my last post, I went over the configuration of Proxmox, Vyos, and SROS. Here I want to show over how the setup looks and works with real VMs attached to this. Above I have tried to show the topology. The VM in the bottom left is running on compute2 (Proxmox hypervisor), and attached to…

  • Exploring Proxmox SDN with EVPN and VXLAN

    With Proxmox 8, and production support of software defined networking, I started to take a harder look at what is possible. From my understanding, this feature is built on FRR. In this blog, I am looking to take an unconventional approach at using this. From the Proxmox documentation, most of what this feature seems to…

  • Automating VM Builds

    A few years ago, after installing Ubuntu server for the 100th time, I thought how cool it would be to automate the build. I also had some some inspiration from my workplace and the tooling that was used. I personally build mostly Ubuntu servers, so that is what this will be focused on. My other…

  • Logical Homelab Network – Part Two

    If you missed part one, here is a link to read that first. It will give a good overview of how I divided up my network. This part I wanted to dive into is how I setup BGP peering between two systems. Even those this is specific to my needs, this would be a great…

  • Logical Homelab Network Overview – Part One

    Homelab’s logical network was a lot more work than I thought to put together, but it has been a great exercise to finally put this down on paper. In part one, I am trying to give some background to the services I run, and how I setup my network. I will have a follow-up with…

  • What is Homelab?

    “Homelab” is a colloquial term to describe a home server (or entire datacenter, if you have the space) that hobbyists can play around with. I’d like to take this post to talk about the evolution of my Homelab. If you have spent any time on, you will probably see people asking “what do you…